Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Fucking passive aggressive time!!!

Okay I have been trying really hard not to be passive aggressive and such but some people really FUCKING press my little annoy the fuck outta rayvin buttons!!! Mostly LIARS, FAKES,2 FACED PEOPLE, BIBLE THUMPERSnot that that has anything to do with right now they jus annoy me right now I'm talking about liars people who can not for the life of them stare a problem in the face and tell it to FUCK OFF or at least talk about it!!! Seriously GROW THE FUCK UP!!! We are all grown women no longer on high school (I hate that phrase btw it's just fucking convenient right now okay? Okay! I don't know what to do about shit like this because I am completely different I face my fears,problems, and all around bad shit!! I have been through so much in my life that I have developed VERY tough skin. Now don't get me wrong, I HATE being me I am REALLY a nice person try to make everyone happy until you hit that fuck you you dumb fucking cunty twat switch... I'm going to take a moment now to scream!! VFJVNFDKVSDNDJVNDKVSVNSKJNDFV KCCSKJNFVKCNVCSKJCNSDKJVNFDKJVNCKNJVKJJSDCNKSJFNVSDA,SM KFVD.

Okay now for some funny faces thank you Markie for cheering me up tonight I needed it!! The skypeage was amazing!!! Or not my iPad won't let me add pics I'm going to have to figure that out need to find an app for that!!! Anywhoooo thx for listing to me bitxh and rant and all leve love or hate or whatever you feel nesscery!!!!! <3 <# <0> <(") :)

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